kib carries out scientific studies for the development of transdisciplinary forms of creative collaboration, explores innovative methods for the integration of diverse sets of knowledge, and dives into the ocean of the unknown.
Transdisciplinarity as a new way of organizing research is rooted in science. At the same time, it is designed to cross the established boundaries of science. Transdisciplinarity, therefore, requires its own theoretical foundations and specific methods, like those for the integration of knowledge and for organizing participative processes. In this core project, kib continuously works on improving these foundations. >> more information

Project partner: Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE)
Knowledge integration is a key to sustainable development.
It is also a huge cognitive challenge: For every specific problem, the diversity and depth of the knowledge required is vast. In this new project, kib explores how the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence can help with this challenge. Of particular interest are AI-technologies in the area of natural language processing like question answering, text generation, and argument mining. >> more information coming soon

Project partner: internal project
the ignorance turn
It is a truism that only knowledge societies hold the key to a sustainable future in the Anthropocene. Disruptive crises like the current COVID-19 pandemic, however, demonstrate the need to confront unprecedented uncertainties on an individual, institutional, and cultural level. In this long-term project, kib explores what it means for knowledge societies to embrace the unknown as a condition, which is inextricably linked to any human endeavor. >> more information

Project partner: internal project
Quality assurance by peers is at the heart of the scientific endeavor. This also applies to transdisciplinary research. Whereas in science the only goal is to assure the reliability of knowledge, in transdisciplinarity the additional goal is to assure its usefulness. In order to gain acceptance in science and society, a specific quality standard for transdisciplinarity is thus needed. In close consultation with executives from the German science system and funding agencies, a team coordinated by kib developed such a standard. >> more information
Project partners: Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), Environmental Policy Research Centre (Freie Universität Berlin), Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE) // Funding: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)